Saturday, September 22, 2007

Seasons ( Journal#11 )

One season changes another one, each year passes faster and faster with the time. I can’t say that I have favorite season, because every season has its charms. Spring is awakening of the nature, the snow melts, the buds swell on the trees, the birds come back from warm countries, the first flowers blossom, the air is very fresh and filled with the scent of “love”, and the sun pampers us with its first warm rays. Summer is associated with vacations and holidays. It is time of fresh vegetables and fruits. It is really hot outside as a result many people leave the town and move to the villages and dachas. Autumn is the gold season. The weather becomes cooler and rainy. Everything has bright yellow color around you - the grass and the trees. The leaves begin to fall down from trees and cover all roads, sidewalks and parks, so you can see the beautiful carpet under your feet. The smell of wet grass and soil fill the air. The last season is winter. Snowflakes whirl in the air and form white scene; the trees and houses are in snow hats, the road is like a skating rink, the air is freeze and biting, and the sun hides behind the clouds very often. People say:”There is no bad weather, there is bad mood”.

1 comment:

leinster said...

Though I still think that we have a particular preference for one over the other.