Saturday, September 1, 2007

What is writing for me ? ( Journal#1 )

When I think about writing only one question comes to my mind. Why do people write? They do it for pleasure or they have to do it just because it is a required part of their job, study or personal life. As for me I have only two reasons which force me to write.

The first one is duty. Basically it is connected with educational process. Sometimes you don’t want to work on an essay or research paper, especially when the topic doesn’t inspire you at all. But you must do it in order to be academically successful.

The second cause is internal personal necessity. Life is a wonderful thing and many events take place in our lifetime. Sometimes your soul overflows with feelings, hopes, emotions and thoughts, which your desire to share with somebody, but you can’t. Because you haven’t such person or you realize that this treasure is important for you, but it doesn’t make sense to anybody else.

In this case I keep a diary in which I can express all my concerns, plans and thoughts. Actually it is not difficult to write a diary, you just put on paper everything you have in mind, soul and heart. Relax and enjoy yourself. As a result your ideas and thoughts are more organized. Your internal world is more stable.

1 comment:

leinster said...

Hmmm, thought provoking isn't it? Writing for educational purposes is what started me into writing.