Saturday, September 8, 2007

The best age to get married ( Journal#6 )

What is the right time to get married? It is a good and very complicated question. It depends on a person, his/her goals and sometimes on circumstances. Some people dream of having successful career, others want to have family. Some people can just combine marriage and career. But sometimes people are still single because they haven’t met their second half.

There are different points of view what the right age is to get married. According to one of them, the best time is when you are under 20 years old. In this age, it is easier to make such important decision, because you are not experienced enough. You can’t even imagine with what difficulties, you are going to meet. You are not so fastidious to others’ habits. After 20 years old people become more and more scrupulous in choice of their husband/wife. They can see others’ imperfections and they can realize if they are able to stand these imperfections or they aren’t. On psychological point of view, you should be ready to do this step, it must be conscious action.

As for me, I think that we are pretty adult so if you have loved person and you want to marry him/her, so just do it.


leinster said...

"We are adults"

What's the criteria of adulthood?

Menap said...

when i wriitng my essay i thought about this but i couldnt find. if someone find please let me know.

What's the criteria of adulthood?