Monday, November 5, 2007

Lost in Translation ( Journal#23 )

When people go to foreign countries, they usually bring their culture with them. However, there are always many differences in the way of life. For example, the first few weeks, it was difficult for me to calculate the final sum for groceries in the supermarkets, because 7.75% tax has to be added to the sum. In my country, you see the price on the counters, you pay the same price. Another big problem for me here is transportation; I should arrange my time according to bus schedule. It frames my freedom. Another thing which pursuits me all the time is currency exchange rate. When I buy something I always think how much it is in my home currency. I still can’t get rid of this habit. I can’t say anything about differences between people here and people in my home country, because I think It doesn’t matter from what country you are, the most important thing what a person you are. We can meet good and bad people in every country. Last few months I have met many students from different countries, and I didn’t notice tendency that all people from one country are the same. Of course students from the same country try to find each other and to keep close relationships, because it is the only way to speak their native language which is definitely easier to use than English language.

1 comment:

leinster said...

Yeah, I hate the taxes too.